
How to Make Money on Tiktok in Nigeria

Do you want to make money on TikTok in Nigeria? This post shows you the practical ways of making money on TikTok in Nigeria.


TikTok is a video-focused social networking platform, and people of all ages are entertaining the world using the app. And this platform is One of the most popular apps used by Nigerians, and people are widely using it to earn money with the content. In this article, we will walk you Through how you can make money on TikTok.

Have you been searching, for how to make money on TikTok? How to make money on tiktok in Nigeria? Can I make money on TikTok in Nigeria? Best ways to make money on TikTok in Nigeria, How to be famous on Tiktok? If yes this article is definitely for you, as Eduglog provide you with a practical guide to making money on TikTok in Nigeria in 2023

Nigerians are earning lots of cash through TikTok, you know why? A global influencing platform called has engaged the first partner to collaborate with Africa. The company is creating new and unique ways to keep African audiences engaged using an influencer strategy. And as per the report, the growth in Africa shows no signs of slowing down.

Through this partnership, TikTok has reached more than 500m active users in Africa. As a result, the platform has extended its potential to top brands with a strong customer base. With all the influencers in Nigeria, popular African brands are scrambling to get access to influencers, also known as micro-influencers, to promote their products. Perhaps, you could be the next influencer they reach out to?

Why is TikTok famous in Nigeria?

There are plenty of reasons why the TikTok social network has become increasingly popular in Nigeria. One of these glaring reasons is that it involves creating unique and engaging solutions. Creating likable content on the platform helps content creators reach their desired audiences easily. You can engage with the audience in a fun, quirky, and innovative way and you know people are more into video content these days, which is one of the things TikTok is based on.

Apart from its entertainment purpose, most African people use TikTok to earn real money. From creating videos to publishing content, you can do whatever you want. But like any other influential brand, the only difficult thing to do is gather the audience and obtain audience engagement.

Following the likes of YouTube and Instagram, TikTok implements one of the best marketing techniques – Influencer marketing. This marketing technique involves an influencer who entertains their audiences. And if there is enough influence, these audiences eventually become their customers. Hence, earning money. And this is how African people can also make money using the TikTok platform.

How to make money on TikTok in Nigeria?

If you are new to the TikTok scene, your goal is to gather as many followers. At this stage in your account, this task is extremely difficult. But as your account gets bigger, it becomes more straightforward.

This stage is where you need to figure out the platform and get accustomed to it. Perseverance (and engaging content) is essential at this point. Once you have done this part, only then can you monetize your account and make big bucks. Since most people want to jump on TikTok to earn money, the following are some tips that you need to follow to make more money on TikTok.

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How to withdraw from TikTok in Nigeria

Before you can withdraw from Tiktok in Nigeria you’ll, first of all, have to make money from the platform, as such, we provide you with these steps you’ll need to make money and Cashout from TikTok.

Grow and sell your accounts

Perhaps One Of the fastest ways to make money on tiktok, the first thing you need to do is grow your account and then sell them. Before you create your videos, you need a niche to target. This niche can be as broad as comedy. Many African songwriters are using the platform to promote their music.

Once you figure your niche out, pumping a lot of videos is the next thing to do. Publish content consistently (daily, every other day, etc.) If your content is engaging, it can become viral. A single video that goes viral can attract hordes of people on the platform who can become a customer of your product.

The most important thing is to grow your influence as much as you can until the point it reaches known brands that can sponsor you. This method is one of the ways where people can make legit money using the TikTok profile.

Get Donations

Getting your followers to make donations is another popular way to earn more money on Instagram. And you can also do it on TikTok. This method requires you to go live and collect donations from your viewers (much like the way streamers on Twitch earn money).

Your viewers can send you coins as a sign of gratitude for your effort to create entertaining content. Once you collect many coins from your viewers, you can convert them to cash.

Manage campaigns

The other popular method to earn money in TikTok is through campaign management. In this method, you will be working as an influencer agency. You act as a broker or a middleman between the TikTok creator and the brand that wants to work with that specific TikTok influencer.

Your task is to coordinate the TikToker and the advertisers and balance their interests. You can charge them a reasonable fee if correctly done.

Use proven advertising platforms

Using ad platforms is one of the smartest ways to earn money on TikTok. By this point, you have already seen ads on Facebook and Instagram. TikTok influencers can get cash the same way with these ads on TikTok. Doing this method is as simple as googling “TikTok ads”. Register for an account to get complete access to the ad platform.

If you have ever run paid traffic before, you know how to run the ad platforms. It requires a small budget and a little experimenting to get done. Creating ads this way helps you to reach your profile to wider audiences.

Social Media Manager for TikTok

If you do not plan on gathering a following, you can manage other influencers’ TikTok accounts. Try to offer management services to creators on the platform. Since influencers need time to create their content, they need someone to pilot their accounts. And that could be you! As an example, some TikTok stars grew their following in one blow (even overnight). It could get a little bit overwhelming, stressful, and pressuring. So, they are likely to hire someone to do the managing for them.

It is a kind of business where you need to offer services to others with content strategy and offer them creative blueprints. Here you can manage offers and deals that come on their way.

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If you are a person who is good at storytelling or has a background in production then you need to apply the management services to TikTok creators.

Offer consulting services

This will be the simple tip on earning money; once you have become a pro in TikTok at this stage you know how to create a video that will reach 100 views or more than 100,000 views. You can offer consulting services on this to the ones who are new to Instagram.

Corporations often use advertising to reach out to their target audiences. And to survive in this tech-filled era, you need trendy social media accounts like TikTok. Most of the time, these established companies do not have the necessary knowledge to market their products using social media platforms. Therefore, they ask for consultations from experts in that field.

Let us assume that by this point, you are already an established influencer and a professional TikToker. Companies will reach out to you and ask for your golden advice. It is a win-win for both parties – you get your consultation fee while the company sells more products.

By doing this, you will look more like an expert in TikTok. Other aspiring TikTokers will also reach out to you for bits of advice. Although your consulting services may not help them to reach millions of people, they will still help them to reach a hundred views or more.

How to monetize your TikTok account in Nigeria

There are plenty of success stories in TikTok. However, not all can have the same happy ever after. If you want to earn some bucks using TikTok, we strongly recommend running monetization on your account. Before you can monetize your TikTok profile, there are a few requirements. Aside from the previous methods, our editors gathered more ways to make MORE money.

Here are a few steps that will let you know how to monetize the TikTok account:

Apply for sponsorship

TikTok is a platform where you can perform all kinds of activities like audio with songs, videos, and other clips. You will never know when a video gets viral. Who knows, maybe yours is next! In the past few weeks, there have been many trending audio clips. And companies are requesting TikTok influencers to include their brand names on their posts. Essentially, this method is sponsorship.

Smaller accounts with 25,000 followers can charge up to $25 per post with brand mention. To get these sponsorships, you can either apply for one or get it automatically. TikTok influencers with a massive following do not have to apply for sponsorships – the brands themselves reach out to them.

Sell your products to your fans on TikTok

In Nigeria, many creators directly monetize their audience by selling their products. This kind of monetization does not rely upon whether the video went viral or not. As long as you have real fans, you can earn money by selling directly to them. The one thing that separates TikTok from other dominating social media apps is that it allows you to sell your products directly in the app.

The designers of TikTok have created a template for more than 180 different products to support the creators. Most designers will add a link to their personal website in their bio so that the supporters can buy the items. It will enhance the relationship between the creator and buyers, and they can directly buy the product from them.


Audio sponsorship is one of the best ways to earn money on TikTok. You can release content for the brands in exchange for money. Through your branded content, you can help corporations in Nigeria to sell their products, and many creators will exploit their videos.

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Most small businesses use TikTok as the creative side of promoting their products, so approaching such a business will be helpful. The creator can add some humor or add music to the content to reach wider audiences. It will help you to set up more ads and also increase the follower count.

This article can also be found on Make Money on Tiktok in Nigeria 

Get paid

TikTok is the only social media platform where a creator can get success while earning money. TikTok plans to launch the Creator’s fund of $200 million to expand its business by $1 million by 2023.

As of this writing, it is still unsure how much a single Nigerian Tiktoker can get. But to join this exclusive group of influencers, you need to get your account verified. For this to happen, you need to reach at least 10,000 followers and 10,000 viewers. Once you reach the minimum criteria given by TikTok, you will receive a notification to join this fund.

Tiktok Creators Fund (Requirements)

The TikTok Creator Fund is a program that pays eligible creators for creating content on the platform. TikTok launched the Creator Fund in 2020 to support and reward creators who make quality, engaging content that resonates with the TikTok community.

Creators who are eligible for the Creator Fund receive a portion of the fund’s total budget based on the performance of their videos. The exact amount each creator receives depends on various factors, including the number of views, engagement rates, and the number of eligible videos posted.

To be eligible for the TikTok Creator Fund, creators must meet certain criteria, including:

  • Being at least 18 years old
  • Having at least 100,000 followers
  • Having at least 100,000 video views in the last 30 days
  • Meeting TikTok’s community guidelines and terms of service

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How to be Famous on TIKTOK In Nigeria

If you’ve also been looking for ways to be TikTok Famous In Nigeria the steps we provide will be of Help

  1. Create high-quality content. This means videos that are well-shot, well-edited, and engaging. TikTok users are constantly bombarded with new content, so you need to make sure your videos stand out from the crowd.
  2. Post regularly. The more often you post, the more likely you are to show up in people’s feeds. Try to post at least once a day, and more if you can.
  3. Use relevant hashtags. Hashtags are a great way to get your videos seen by more people. When you use relevant hashtags, your videos will show up in search results for those hashtags.
  4. Collaborate with other TikTokers. Collaborating with other TikTokers is a great way to reach a new audience. When you collaborate with someone, their followers will see your videos, and vice versa.
  5. Be patient and persistent. It takes time to build a following on TikTok. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results overnight. Just keep creating great content and posting regularly, and you’ll eventually start to see your audience grow.

Here are some additional tips that may help you become famous on TikTok:

  • Find your niche. What are you passionate about? What do you know a lot about? Once you know your niche, focus on creating content that appeals to that audience on that particular Niche
  • Be yourself. People can tell when you’re being genuine, so don’t try to be someone you’re not. Just be yourself and let your personality shine through in your videos.
  • Have fun! TikTok is a social media platform, so make sure you’re having fun with it. If you’re not enjoying yourself, it will show in your videos.

Final Thought

Now you’ve seen how to make money on TikTok in Nigeria. It’s all up to you to take action and start earning cash from TikTok, if you need to know more about TikTok in Nigeria kindly drop your questions in the comment section.


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