ABU post UTME Screening Form, and exam date for 2024/2025 JAMB and DE candidates. Read to the end so you don’t miss anything
Are you an Applicant of the prestigious Ahmadu Bello University? In this post we bring to your all the needed information about the Ahmadu Bello University post UTME registration for UTME candidates and Direct entry candidates.
Ahmadu Bello university is one of the federal universities that still conduct post utme before admitting candidates, however, the post UTME is only for those that apply for the university via JAMB.
DE candidates do not write the post UTME, but will have to purchase the ABU DE form during the ABU post UTME registration, but then make sure you’ve applied for ABU through JAMB(DE) which means you will have to buy JAMB DE form and ABU DE form.
Whether you’re a DE candidate or JAMB you will have to choose ABU as your first choice during JAMB UTME or DE registration.
ABU post UTME portal
The ABU post UTME portal is https://portal.abu.edu.ng/forms
The portal is where you can register for your post utme, update your biodata and check your admission status if the school releases an admission List.
How much is ABU post UTME form?
The form cost #2500, Candidate will have to pay this fee to be able to continue with their post utme registration.
ABU Post UTME Registration for 2024/2025
The post UTME registration for Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) usually comes up after JAMB conducts it’s examination and release results. ABU usually begin sales of post UTME form, June/July, so expect the form to be out at that time frame.
How to register for ABU post UTME
The Procedure for ABU post UTME registration have been changed since the last ABU admission process. Hence it’s good you know the procedure to register.
- To register for ABU post UTME you’ll have to first of all visit https://portal.abu.edu.ng/forms
- Post UTME Candidates are to login with their JAMB Registration Number and State of Origin as username and password respectively.

- After Login into your portal you’ll make payment for your post UTME form then proceed to upload your O-level result and biodata.
- For DE candidate you’ll also follow the procedure above however you are to upload your A-level result and your biodata
- Post UTME candidate will wait for their post UTME exam date to be communicated to them via their Portal while DE candidates don’t partake in the exam!
The post UTME portal is now activated and candidates can now proceed and register for the post UTME
ABU JAMB cut-off Mark
The official cut-off point for the Ahmadu Bello university is 180. The university doesn’t have a specific departmental cut-off point. Department cut-off point depends on how competitive the course one apply is.
Learn more about ABU cut Off Mark below.
RECOMMENDED: ABU cut off Mark 2024/2025
Visit http://www.examlabs.com A platform for online practice exams and study materials
Frequently asked questions about ABU post UTME
Frequently asked questions about ABU POST-UTME.
1. Subject combination: The same subjects you wrote during UTME. unlike other universities. There is nothing like current affairs.
2. Number of questions: All the subjects with the exception of english have 15 questions each. English have 25 questions making 70 questions in total.
3. Time allowed: 2 hours. The time allowed is more than enough. I can remember, during my time, I rechecked my answers more than six times. I even have surplus time. it is “if you know you know exam”.
4. Past questions: There are tones of past questions out their eduglog will confirm some of the authenticity and share it with you guys be sure you are following any of our Social media platform so as not to miss any important update
5. Are the questions simple or hard?
Don’t let any person deceive you, there is nothing hard about the questions, they are no different with the normal questions you use to answer. One’s success depend on his stars, how powerful is his/her village people, his belief on extra-terrestrial forces and unexplainable miracles as everybody has his own separate questions.
6. Assessment: Like UTME , ABU PUTME is also rated on a scale of 400. Your chance of gaining admission is not on your UTME or PUTME score, but on your Average score which is calculated by—
average score = { UTME score + PUTME score}/2
Unlike other schools , one’s SSCE grades do not enter into the equation. But as a rule, one is required to have at least 5 credits before being considered for admission, pertaining the course you are seeking.
7. Use of scientific calculator: Not allowed.
LEARN MORE ABOUT ABU HERE: https://eduglog.com/tag/ahmadu-bello-university-abu/
Final thought
We’ve discussed on several aspects of ABU post UTME, date if there’s anything that is isn’t clear to you please do well to ask in the Comments section below
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